
Lucas s’adresse aux intégrateurs en robotique et fabricants de machines à base d’axes numériques et propose un ensemble de solutions d’automatisation pour bâtir l’usine du futur.
  • FABRICATION  DE PORTIQUES : Les robots trois axes sont les outils idéaux pour réaliser des applications nécessitant l’exploration d’espaces tridimensionnels étendus. Ces robots sont standardisés, modulaires et totalement configurables.
  • CONCEPTION D’AXES MÉTIERS : Les métiers d’intégrateurs ont une multiplicité de caractéristiques. C’est pourquoi chez Lucas nous avons décliné notre gamme standard avec des spécifications métiers.
  • PORTAGE DE ROBOTS POLYARTICULÉS : Les Tracks Lucas permettent d’augmenter le rayon d’action des robots polyarticulés pour la réalisation d’opérations sur de longues distances.

Les Tracks Lucas permettent d’augmenter le rayon d’action des robots polyarticulés pour la réalisation d’opérations sur de longues distances.

 gamme hybridmotion 2  AXES MÉTIERS

Les métiers d'intégrateurs ont une multiplicité de caractéristiques. C'est pourquoi chez

Lucas nous avons décliné notre gamme standard avec des spécifications métiers


Les systèmes mono-axe sont des axes de guidage linéaires très rigides qui

permettent de déplacer de fortes charges sur de grandes longueurs, avec

dynamisme vitesse et précision.


Les robots standardisés deux axes LUCAS sont modulaires et totalement

configurables. Leur axe vertical permet de desservir de façon aérienne de

multiples zones de travail alignées sur une longue distance.


Les robots trois axes sont les outils idéaux pour réaliser des applications

nécessitant l’exploration d’espaces tridimensionnels étendus. Ces robots

sont standardisés, modulaires et totalement configurables.

    gamme Cantilever 0 MODULES CANTILEVER

    Les robots cantilevers sont des solutions économiques pour réaliser

    des applications nécessitant l’exploration d’espaces tridimensionnels confinés.

      gamme lrs 2 LRS

      Le principe repose sur un système breveté « d’aiguillage » qui permet

      à nos axes rigides (tracks ou robots cartésiens) de faire des

      changements d’orientation de 0 à 360° dans tous les axes.

        gamme hybridmotion 2 copy HYBRID MOTION

        Les robots LUCAS combinent les cinématiques afin d'obtenir

        des mouvements rapides avec des rayons d'action accrus.







        COMAU page garde



        COMAU is a company with 100% of the FCA group (FIAT CHRYSLER CAR).
        An Italian industrial entity specializing in the field of industrial automation, robots and automated factories.
        COMAU is a leading spplier ofindustrial robots,robotized processes and intergrated robotic soltutions.

        It offers a wide range of innovate articulated robots,covering a large number of models that are perfect for handling,spot welding,arcwelding,press-shop automation,palletizing,sealing,machin tending and many other applications.

        Tchnologically advanced,reliable,flexibale,and specifically tailored to our customers'needs,COMAU guarantees optimal performances across the entire robot range,robotized cells and process-integrated solutions.

        COMAU is present in several countries worldwide through a network of integrators and distributors.

        COMAU Robotics Range

          • Industrial robots of high quality since 1978
          • Product Range - payload 3-650 KG
          • Application packages (HW and SW) and positioners

        Robots with low payload

        • Best in class in the Hollow Wrist




        Robots with low payload

        • Used for arc welding, machining, assembly, handling, sealing ...
        • Features: high repeatability (up to 0.05 mm), high speed and accuracy.
        • Payload between 3 Kg and 16 Kg




        Robots with average payload

        Robots with average payload

        • Used for machining, handling, polishing ...
        • Features: high repeatability (up to 0.06 mm).
        • Payload between 16 Kg and 60 Kg







        Robots with high payload

        • Used for spot welding, handling, polishing ...
        • Features: high performance in terms of speed, robustness, reliability and precision.Robots with high payload
        • Payload of 110 Kg and 220 Kg







        Robots with heavy payload

        • Used foundry, spot welding, polishing ...
        • Features: Best in class about the relationship between the payload up to 500 kg and a reach 3.0 m.
        • Payload 290 Kg and 650 Kg


        Robots with heavy payload

          For more information please consult our catalog:     


        or visit our website :


        Honeywell Enraf


        Honeywell Enraf provides a comprehensive range of products and systems for inventory management and tank terminal operations, offering open connectivity, modular design and a robust migration path. The solutions enable optimum use of tank storage capacity to maximize operational efficiency and increase revenues.

        Calibration and Verification

        Honeywell's Small Volume Provers enable accurate and traceable custody transfer and comply with all major international standards. Users benefit from increased calibration flexibility, faster and more efficient proving and significant cost savings.

        Loading and Unloading

        Honeywell Enraf's loading automation system manages and controls loading and unloading in a safe, secure and well-documented manner. The portfolio includes the new Fusion4 MultiPak, combining Fusion4 MSC-A and Monoblock technologies into the most advanced additive controller in the market.

        Safety and Security

        Honeywell Enraf provides operational know-how and a wide portfolio of the latest technology to help run oil and gas terminals profitably, reliably and safely.

        Tank Storage

        From monitoring oil inventory and operating terminals to custody transfer and financial reporting, Honeywell Enraf can help maximize results on users' investments while reducing costs. Based on extensive experience in terminal inventory management, its products and systems help improve safety, reliability and efficiency of terminal operations.

        Terminal Operations Management

        Honeywell's Terminal Operations Management portfolio includes the MeterSuite metering solution for accurate oil and gas flow calculations and Terminal Manager that helps address the high complexity and regulatory challenges associated with bulk liquid terminals.

        Some products

        SEA Electronics Honeywell Enraf SEA Electronics Honeywell Enraf SEA Electronics Honeywell Enraf SEA Electronics Honeywell Enraf SEA Electronics Honeywell Enraf SEA Electronics Honeywell Enraf SEA Electronics Honeywell Enraf



        Kraft Powercon


        Kraft Powercon is a global company with production facilities. It offers innovative solutions, products and services within industrial power supply.

        A wide range of applications:

        • General Metal Finishing (GMF)
        • Hard Chrome Plating
        • Reel-to-reel plating
        • Printed Circuit Board plating (PCB)
        • lating on Plastics (PoP)
        • Anodising
        • Electrophoresis
        • Electroforming
        • Chlorine Preparation
        • Hydrogen Production
        • Corrosion Protection

        Some products:

        Flex Kraft
        Flex Kraft
        Control Kraft Touch
        Control Kraft Touch



        Rosier Mécatronique


        Expert in mechatronics and drive for more than 20 years, from components to sub-assembly, our teams of professionals offer a wide range of solutions. An industrial know Prestigious references in leading industries, research, large companies, machine builders, but also optimized solutions for improving productivity and quality in SMEs. OVER 70 YEARS OF INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH It is now more than 30 years we have specialized in the field of positioning and motion control. We offer solutions based on brushless motors, stepper or DC and mechanical actuators to meet the ever increasing demands of Industry and Research. With today's triple jurisdiction engine manufacturer and automation specialist mechanic, Rosier uses internationally renowned partners to offer excellence in the field of '' Motion Control '' and Mechatronics.

        Rosier presents a variety of manufacturers:

        • MTS

          logo mts

        • BAUTZ


        • Electro Craft Engineered Solutions


        • MTI

          logo mti

        • Digiplan




        • Stogra


        • PITTMAN


        • BAYSIDE Motion Group




        • Parker


        • Panasonic


        • TRIO Motion TECHNOLOGY


        • TRANS.TEK


        • Superior Electric


        Some Products

        Robots 6 axesROBOTS 6 AXES MZ04



        Robot-cartesien-ICSARobot ICSA


        Get in touch

        Contact us

        SEA GROUP
        Angle Voie 11-12, Zone Industrielle
        Sidi Abdelhamid, Sousse, Cedex 4061 - Tunisia
        Tel : +216 73 320 211/ +216 73 322 793/ +216 73 322 740/ +216 31 320 211/ +216 31 320 212/ +216 31 320 213
        FAX : +216 73 320 212
        Contact Forms for all departments

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        Office hours

        Mon - Fri 08h - 18h
        Sat 08h - 14h

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